Kolejny gospodarz chce odzyskać pieniądze za konia, którego zarekwirowało wojsko w 1939 roku. Wówczas kosztował ponad 200 zł, równowartość dobrej pensji.
- Do dzisiaj nie zobaczyłem żadnych pieniędzy za Baśkę i straciłem już nadzieję, że to się zmieni - mówi pan Edward.
Chciałoby się powiedzieć : Panie Edwardzie, całe narody ginęły, ludzie tracili synów, córki, matki, ojców, całe miasta w gruzach, a Pan płacze za kobyłą Baśką i to po 70 latach, wstyd.
Another farmer wants to recover money for the horse, which requisitioned the army in 1939. Then the cost of more than 200 zł, equivalent to a good salary.
The first of the host, which is done out loud in Poland, was Edward Stoszko Bąkowa near the Stream. Stoszko no evidence that the military requisitioned his horse - now yellowed receipt issued by the Commission in Chybie Horses wages. Stoszkowie they receive the Tax Office 260 zł - as valued zarekwirowanego horse and harness leather. Chestnut trees, six-mare named Basia favorite was a 13 year old then you Edward. Basia never returned from the war, hearing about it all disappeared. Stoszkowie not come forward after the compensation, if they had more important matters - from the front, not back Mr Edward's brother, Ludwik. In 2001, Stoszko showed the bill to memeber of parliment. He asked whether there could be something to do with that. MP intervened in the Ministry of Finance officials, however, the men stood on the view that such claims can be met only by a year after the announcement demobilization.
- Until today, I saw no money for Basia and I lost all hope that this will change - says Mr. Edward.
Would like to say, Sir Edward, whole nations were lost, people lost sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, the whole city in ruins, and you weep for the mare, and Basia that after 70 years, shame.
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